Excel Centre London 2014

/ Brief
To produce a set of vertical up right banners to identify different zones of the large hall in which dealers in Sci-fi material (books, films, memorabilia) will have their stands. In addition to having lettered stands, names of the late Iain M. Banks spaceship names from his novels are to be included to commemorate his passioante involvement. Brief set in year 2 at cambridge school of Art.
/ Response
I wanted to keep all the type uniformed and clear to read rather than attempting to display the type on a vertical axis. The client asked if the banners could represent a form of a docking station so with this in mind I thought working with the concept of perspective would be a suitable approach to the brief. I became interested in the mechanical body work on spaceships; all the hidden details and materials a ship can be made out of. I treated each letter as part of a ship and illustrated different ship details for each colour I used on the banner (sticking to primary colour palette to work with the royal blue). The idea is that when seen from afar the letters just read as they are but, when inspected closer, the hidden detail becomes clear.
In memory of a talented and humorous writter. R.I.P Iain M. Banks (1954-2013) 
Loncon 3

Loncon 3

Zone banners for dealers selling at Loncon 3 2014.
