Sportlife_Fight campaign
We had to put Sportlife back in the centre of attention
with a campaign and a little gamification.
My idea was to put little papers with a texture on the back, 
in the now known 'Blister wrapping'.
You could to put your gum in the paper and toss it into a 'Bin_Goal'.
If you filmed it and put it on Facebook, you could win great prizes! 
If it was possible I would design more packages with more sports.
Vollyball, basketball, hockey, ect. 
Campaign poster
Blister wrapping
Facebook page
You could also sign up for a competition.
You had to film your best goal by the Bin_Goal,
upload it of the Facebook page and compete against other 
people to win prizes like a meet-and-greet with your favorit sportsmen
or a Bin_Goal package.
Thank you for watching!
Sportlife campaign

Sportlife campaign

Sportlife campaign
