Fedra Sans Display 2
Fedra Sans was designed as text fonts; it performs well in long passages of text, even at sizes as small as 5-6 pt, and some of the design decisions were in fact made to optimize the typefaces for small text use. Instead of extrapolating lighter versions of Fedra Sans for display use, we decided to specially design a new type family. This allowed us to change the spacing and kerning of the characters, based on the assumption that they would be used in larger sizes. The letter and word spacing is tighter, hanging numerals and currency symbols replaced with lining ones, the design of many characters modified and a large collection of titling ligatures were added. The main difference, however, is in the extreme weight of the fonts.
Fedra Sans Display contains a set of discretionary ligratures (about 800 of them), subscript and superscript capitals, and a special set of common preposition and articles in various languages (English, German, Spanish, Dutch, French) which forming more compact text titles. More
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Fedra Sans Display 2

Fedra Sans Display 2

Fedra Sans Display 2 is a collection of extra heavy fonts for use in large sizes. These fonts are optimized for compact setting, and the condense Read More


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