Dominique Fenichell 的个人资料

A Trophy for Nothing in Particular

Are you a winner? A loser? Somewhere in between? This trophy is for you! You deserve it.
Using sheet metal I explored the notion of the 'trophy' as a vessel. Tophies are objects that congragulate our trimuphs and remind us that we did something worth remembering. They are also incredibly embarrassing and burdensome if you are someone who has a parent that likes to talk about your success as a first grader in your school's Spelling Bee Contest at every other dinner party. Humor and Shame. Winning and Losing. Trophies exists as oxymorons in our lives. 
What if I made a trophy for nothing in particular and for no one in mind? Would I be happier living with it? If I gave it another purpose that soley existing as a trophy? What are the different lives objects take once we imbue them with different meanings?
How strange a trophy is.
Dimmensions 21''X31''X10''
A Trophy for Nothing in Particular

A Trophy for Nothing in Particular

A trophy for you and for me!
