This is a quick design I did for a class assignment. The prompt was to illustrate and name a candy. For mine, I based it off of three ideas:
1) Right now everyone is obsessed with using data to track or improve health. I actually met a startup a few weeks ago who are using DNA in order to create the best set of supplements for each person. So for my idea, I thought, what if we used DNA to figure out each person's taste (like a taste profile). For example, my sister really likes very sweet treats while my mom prefers things to be not too sweet. This candy will be created in a way that the taste would hit that "sweet spot" and satisfy your taste palette. (Side note: Was originally going to name it "Sweet Spot" but that would indicate this is a sweet candy - it can be sour, salty, or even spicy depending on the person!)
2) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. One of my favorite books by one of my favorite authors. If you read the book, you might recall Violet, the bratty girl who really likes to chew gum. She picks up this purple gum in the factory and the gum tastes like a three course meal in her mouth. The idea that a candy can create different flavors that doesn't not necessary taste like regular candy comes from this. Of course this won't have the side effects that Violet had in the book. However, this candy is not a gum but rather a chewable and swallowable candy. I believe by being able to eat this, it can create the feeling of eating food - something more substantiable. 
3) Finally, I'm taking this biology class and all we are taking about is DNA and DNA and DNA all day, every class. You might say DNA was on my mind when I thought of this.


Candy design with a touch of biology
