A spa is a place for relaxation and calmness. Peace, quiet and intimacy are the key words.
At Aquam spa, people will be in contact with water, steam, natural concoction and aromas throughout the space.
All these elements flow from one area to another and the best way to enhance this flow is with forms. The forms must be curvy yet not round, to allow the elements to flow easily and naturally. Any sharp edge would not only interrupt the flow of the elements, but also customer’s journey at Aquam Spa.
Aquam spa is a place where people can be part of relaxing community. Each journey begins as soon as customers are taken in charge of, and flows with the space for a memorable experience through visual and tactile emotions.
Pictures of brainstorming sketches & Final 3Ds using ArchiCAD software
Manicure/Pedicure Area
Swimming pool
Waiting area
Private massage room
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Spa design project - Final Major Project Bachelor of Design - Sydney, Australia

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