Based on the work “Pleasures and Terrors of Levitation” (1953 – 1961) by Aaron Siskind, “Dualities” is made up by only two pictures that portray several dualities within themselves: double exposures, with each figure duplicated through the technique of symmetry, which divides the picture in two equal parts. Another duality that is present in this project is the duality of the human condition that is explored in Siskind’s work: the disparity that every human being feels between their inner thoughts in contrast with the reality of the outside world.
Co-created in collaboration with Ana Gabriela da Cruz Duarte.
© 2015 Gabriela Duarte & Tiago Braga, All Rights Reserved.


Based on the work “Pleasures and Terrors of Levitation” (1953 – 1961) by Aaron Siskind, “Dualities” is made up by only two pictures that portray 자세히 보기


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