Chiara's profile

Alzheimer Workshop

Alternative spaces for the cure of Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer Workshop is a new type of space designed to support the person with Alzheimer's and his family during the long course of the disease.

In these places will be held
workshops and meetings to help the patient to free himself from his condition and to express their dementia.

The type of activities selected are those of an everyday life now far away, like farming, sewing, cooking, DIY, that modern times have moved away, but which are extremely important to safeguard the mental well-being of every human being.

Practical work helps free the mind from stress, especially in the case of an Alzheimer's patient, as this disease involves an incessant need to act without reason and without end.

The sites are designed without boundaries, allowing the patient to speak freely, mixing objects, tastes, smells.

A single large space, like a
greenhouse, will be the scene of several performances by the patients. A space divided between reality and representation, just as it is the patient between normality and dementia. 

Areas of work are identified through the texture of grass and plants on the floor:

"Red Carpet", inviting space to the world of illness, will be the stage of the kitchen garden, in which the patient can get closer to nature.

"Green Carpet",  rappresentation of the garden and place of contemplation, where the patient can do wandering, music therapy or simply enjoy the greenery.

"Orange Carpet", area of ​​laboratories where a long table becomes the center of the unpredictable actions of a person with Alzheimer's.
Alzheimer Workshop

Alzheimer Workshop

Thesis helded in March 2011
