Profil appartenant à Max Winchester

Design Competition brief

Created for a D&AD competition brief as part of my university degree.  
The brief was to create a retropective screening for a director of our choice. We had to create at least one poster, one digital element and one other touch point. I chose to create a motion poster and a ticket in addition to the poster. The other restriction was that type had to be used as 'the main creative expression.'
For specifications for the poster and motion I looked at Adshel's website and Face Media Group's website for the ticket.
I created the poster and ticket in Illustrator and the motion poster in After Effects using the assets I created in Illustrator.
Design Competition brief
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Design Competition brief

Created for a D&AD competition brief as part of my university degree. The brief was to create a retropective screening for a director of our ch Lire la suite

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