Profil appartenant à Jakub Foglar

Yellowstone Typeface

Yellowstone Typeface
– Bringing park-signage type into a functional font –

During a type design workshop, I brought one of Yellowstone National Park’s signage typefaces into the digital world.
I fell in love with the warmth and honesty of hand-made type found on trail signs in Yellowstone and decided it deserves a digital companion. It was the perfect starting point for a type design workshop at our university.
I got a peek into the typeface design process, which I consider incredibly difficult and greatly admire anyone who does it profesionally. I learned how to tackle drawing letterforms, kerning letters and generally how to iterate on details, again and again.
The photos I used for this work have been kindly provided by James T. Edmondson.

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Yellowstone Typeface
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Yellowstone Typeface

During a type design workshop, I brought one of Yellowstone National Park’s signage typefaces into the digital world.

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