Hood, static
In motion
This hooded helmet of sorts was inspired by the detatchment of the body and the face. By modern standards, we interact with one another purely on a literal face-to-face basis. Where are we located within our bodies? The brain is the obvious answer, but does it go further than that?
With this performative piece, the wearer's vision is replaced with a soft white panel made of yarn, leaving the body to move freely and experience all other senses totally. Watching this garment move, to music or to silence, encourages onlookers to witness what our bodies do when we cannot see others watching.
The process that went into making the pile that attatches to the front of the garment was truly entrancing; crocheting the pile into the woven base panel was akin to being wrapped in a homemade safety blanket as it grew larger and longer. It's worth noting that giving this piece a haircut was a very entertaining moment.
Upholstery vinyl, heavy duty thread, studs, acrylic yarn, tinsel
Worn with own bodysuit and shoes
December 2014

Blank and Blind and Quaking

Blank and Blind and Quaking

A hooded helmet designed to block its wearer's vision and provide a spectacle of movement to onlookers.


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