Devin Roxbury profili

Scholarship Application 2015

Through sound experimentation and various recording processes, I have begun creating soundscapes and exploring non-traditional forms of music. 
This audio clip is from a live performance at The Vigil.
Physically interacting with sound through performance and material has been very rewarding as opposed to simply adding effects on a computer. 
This audio clip was recorded from a live session using a vinyl record I cut and pasted together. 

This clip is from an experimental documentary that explores context.

The video footage for this piece was taken over a period of 24 hours by various people and the content I edited down to was what I saw as the most "honest" recordings. The drone music was created using slowed audio of feedback from a synthesizer. 
This piece was an exploration of futility, functionality, and teamwork. 
For a performance, one of my peers and I designed a contemporary tent that lacks rope length for setting up the the tent, and the stakes which are cast from aluminum, absorb hammer hits. These features were demonstrated through the performance. 
This is a functional steel stool I created as a replica of the stools throughout MICA's workspaces. It is an artwork that blends in and questions art which goes unnoticed. 
Scholarship Application 2015
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Scholarship Application 2015

Competitive Scholarship Application

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