Gas World
process notes
The ideas for the visual in this shoot came to me after I fell asleep watching Who Killed the Electric Car? I was thinking about the seemingly never ending consumption of fossil fuels and how one could visually display the detrimental effect this consumption has on our planet. While still dreaming I was faced with this imagery. Although I encountered some roadblocks in the process of creating this "island", I feel that this is the most faithful representation of one of my dreams to date.
The base of the island constructed from styrofoam, cardboard, newspaper, and wooden doweling for support.
Paper-mache applied to the entire structure.
Working on road line spray stencil (unused in the final image)
Applying dirt to the side of the road. The asphalt was made in two steps. First the top of the island was spray painted matte black. Elmer's glue was applied and black craft sand was poured on top of the glue. I found that this created the perfect texture but was ultimately too shiny to replicate asphalt. Another coat of matte black spray paint solved this dilemma.
This little ziplock is what I received when I ordered a set of modern gas pumps from an online model store. This is what had originally been advertised.
Background pre-paint. Cotton Batting spray glued to white foamcore.
Yup..real dirt in a shoebox.
Broncolor Grafit A4 RFS powering a Pulso G2 (with gelled dome modifier), as well as a Pulso 2 with gelled snoot.
Overview of lighting setup
The dome light had two gels taped to it. One to warm the colour temperature on the subject, and the other to lessen the amount of neutral light on the backdrop.
Final Photograph
Gas World
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