Profiel van Domz Agsaway

3 o clock Merienda (Late Afternoon Snack)

This is a submitted entry for Graphika Manila 2015 book. Luckily, it was included in that great tome. (Thank you, Graphika Manila!).
The artwork is an imagined representation of the street where I grew up. It is a late afternoon setting in which people wait for snack vendors, specifically, the Mamang Sorbetero (Ice cream man in universal term).
I included some creatures from Philippine Folklore since most people in our barrio still believes that these beings are happily living within the place up to this day. 
Thanks for viewing this illustration. ^_^
3 o clock Merienda (Late Afternoon Snack)


3 o clock Merienda (Late Afternoon Snack)

Craving for the "dirty" ice cream or sorbetes at 3 P.M. This is a submitted entry for Graphika Manila 2015 book. Luckily, it was included in th Meer lezen


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