Planning what areas I have to cover for my assignment brief - looking into areas such as research, development and final designs, for my graphic illustration brief.
One of my favourite research pages, looking into two different websites that inluuenced me, linking to my chosen book's style.
Planning out my research, understanding what I've got to do. 
researched into one of my favourite graphic designers, Santiago Caruso, who illustrated my chosen book, Jane Eyre.
I looked into the different styles of design work from the V&A website, as the brief was set around a live competion that the museum had set late 2014.
Another one of my favourite designers. Fiona Clarke, whio inspires ,me immensely,as I love working with water colours and fine liners.  
I researched into Paul Willoughby, who was known for designing a variety of patterns out of people and faces. 
Experimentation piece working with protion dyes. One of my favourite methods was blowing the ink with a straw to create a tree branching out style. 
Experimenting with type on Adobe Illustrator, usng path tools and a freehand.
Photomontage experimention work using images from magazines and inspiration from a V&A poster- linked with Jane Eyre, creating a more modern approach. 
A page showing my developments that I had made so far, when creating my illustration piece for Jane Eyre, which I evaluated and developed it further on Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. 
My final graphic illustration piece, which I was extremely proud of, especially looking at the type style and kerning. 
My evaluation for my final piece, looking into type fundamentals, colour, imagery and overall appearance. 
Sketchbook Work

Sketchbook Work

This is just a snippet of my work, showing how I work in sketchbooks!
