Copenhagen Showhow
Writ­ing the explan­at­ory pan­els for Showhow was a great oppor­tun­ity to see what could be done with lan­guage for an exhibition. My concept was to treat each of the items in the exhib­i­tion as if they were already pub­lished in a trendy magazine. Writ­ing the texts there­fore was akin to pro­du­cing a cap­tion for a pho­to­graph. This cre­ated a lively tone-of-voice and very tight writ­ing. The only restraint I placed on myself was that each text had to answer the fol­low­ing ques­tion: “why was it included in an exhib­i­tion of sus­tain­able design?”
SHOWHOW Copenhagen

SHOWHOW Copenhagen

Exhibition copywriting for the Showhow exhibition that was a focus for Copenhagen Design Week 09.


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