Finalist in the 7h Pollux Awards, Children category: Ringo one of those amazing kids of our Nasa people. Çxinas Reservation, Tierradentro, Cauca, Colombia.
Any time that you will hear awful things about this country please remember these faces. Because they are the real Colombia not the one on the news. It's just that the awful things sells better.
Last year I almost loose a tooth, have an injury on my knee, suffered by my lack of physical condition and all that and a lot more was amazing. Because that let me to interact with the future of the Aboriginal Nations of my country and that is a privilege. I love these wawas, these kids are amazing, so beautiful that still now they fill me of energy every day.
Nasa and Misak children. Cauca, Colombia, 2014.
The night before to this photograph we had to try to sleep with the noise of the bullets and grenades of the combats between the army and the guerrillas. At the morning we had the constant hum of the airplanes in the middle of the fog.
And in the middle of that, the people of the Reservation was cooking, smiling, the kids were playing under the rain.
In the way to the closest town I took a look back and tears were running down my cheeks seeing these Nasa: Future of his people, walking us out of the ancestral mountains of his people.
That day I learned so much about life, and about what is meaningful. A satori in the middle of the fog.
Wawas - Children


Wawas - Children

Portraits of wawas (kids) of the Nasa and Misak aborigianl nations in Colombia.

