Kristian Ohlson's profile

Ezekiel's Bastille - Kristian Ohlson

Just a simple layout for how I envisioned the level would look like, very basic, but it gives a good idea of what I want.
Original level plan, laid out in UE4
Wireframe view of the final layout of the level and the final placement of assets and other pieces
Final view of the Shed, with all assets placed.
The first Room you're greeted by.
Office room, just off to the left of the "Greeting room"
Office loot room, with pretty nice lighting and torch flame particle effect.
The corridoor connecting The greeting room and the Dining hall, also has a window letting the player look into the garden.
The garden view from the connecting corridoor, a few particle effects and meshes placed below.
The dining hall, all chairs have physics applied to them and can be knocked over.
The pantry, lighting needing to be edited, this room is to the right of the Dining hall, as you enter.
The "hidden" loot room in the pantry.
The puzzle floor room. (mind the floor lighting errors)
View of the Jail cell, with a few lighting errors.
Closer look at the asset placement, around the jail cell
Ezekiel's Bastille - Kristian Ohlson

Project Made For

Ezekiel's Bastille - Kristian Ohlson

Personal progress for the competition


Creative Fields