The Creed Company
Creed Strategic Imaging
The Creed Company, a talent management agency, was looking to create a unique and memorable
gift for one of their artists to give to friends and business associates for the holidays. They asked
Creed Strategic Imaging to design something that felt custom, personal and tied in to his latest release.
Moonshine was the title of a track off his new album so giving away mason jars of the potent liquor seemed
like a perfect fit. We really wanted to reference the homemade, small-batch, rural origins of moonshine 
so everything needed to feel handmade and imperfect. From the kraft paper and twine to the unfinished
wood boxes, the whole package feels like it was made in someone’s barn in the middle of the night.
Moonshine Packaging
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Moonshine Packaging

The Creed Company, a talent management agency, was looking to create a unique and memorable gift for one of their artists to give to friends and Lire la suite

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