Profiel van Sophie London

You're Welcome Poster Campaign

Client: Student
Year: 2014
Role: Designer, Researcher, Writer
Discipline: Branding, Service Design

You're Welcome is a street ad campaign that appeals to young people who feel uneducated about money matters. After conversing with a number of 18-24 year olds, I discovered that many people, especially these young consumers are overwhelmed with financial jargon in general.
I wanted to recognize this knowledge gap in an blunt, upfront, and informative way – hence, You're Welcome made sense as a tagline. It has a feisty undertone with a sarcastic voice that young consumers can recognize, appreciate, and hopefully remember.
Because I wanted to appeal to a general demographic, I wanted to create four different ways to visually structure the posters.
As an extension from the posters, I designed an iOS 8 iPhone application. The You're Welcome app allows users to search for terms and subjects and be provided with clear, understandable definitions. They can also view all the posters in a gallery format. If the user sees a poster while they are out in public, the app can detect the image and then direct the user to a screen within the app that provides more information on the topic.
You're Welcome Poster Campaign

You're Welcome Poster Campaign

A street ad campaign aiming to acknowledge and help young consumers understand "money speak."


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