Compost is super important because if you leave the organics in the waste stream it soils the other reusables.  We are in a drought and this is the best way to store water on the land.   Growing food with the resulting soils saves you money and creats resilience and health for the community.
Self watering tree starter made from plastic bottle and straw.
Compost and reused egg cartons are great seed starters.  You could be growing your own food from the waste stream is the example I am striving to set here.
I designed a credit based on crytography that would incentive and pay community members for composting. 
Permacredit:  Xavier Hawk          Zero Waste Credit:   John Bush, Art Direction/Concept    Designer, Ben Neupert
Another expertise of mine is fungi (mushrooms) which can help reuse things like coffee grounds, paper, and textiles by turning them into high grade protein sources.

Bottles and Cans
Reusing glass jars and bottle minimizes waste but if you find your self with plastic and tin cans, here are some things I have come up with.
As far as I know I am the inventor of the "Bottle Cap Business Card".   This is the prototype which after being scanned with a QR code reader (phone app), goes to whichever web address I choose.
I have started making mosaics out of bottle caps and actually started a bottle cap collection on Lake Atitlan for doing so.  Standby for more pictures!
I love recycling old totes into rain catchment systems 

Project Made For


Reuse creates 7.5 x 25 times more jobs than recycling. This is my journey to Zero Waste, which is based on reuse.
