Developing a Visual Language
Cooper Graphic Design worked with the Please Touch Museum to develop two identities: one for the Centennial Guild, the museum’s premier giving tier, and a second to celebrate the fifth anniversary of their move to Philadelphia’s historic Memorial Hall. Both required building an arsenal of visual tools that would resonate with distinct, highly targeted audiences.
Fifth Birthday Party
With playful illustrations created by children’s book illustrator Greg Pizzoli, we developed a sponsorship brochure, invitation, email campaign, and web site. The overall look and feel needed to be fun and engaging while adhering to the museum’s brand standards.
Centennial Guild
A new identity was created for the museum’s Centennial Guild. The Museum wanted something fresh yet sophisticated, with a nod to the history of Memorial Hall history. The identity also had to integrate well with the museum’s brand standards. By creating a layered design, and blending the new with the old through a typographic treatment in the logo, we achieved the look and feel the museum had hoped for.
Please Touch Museum

Projekt erstellt für

Please Touch Museum

Special event and high-level branding including invitations, brochures, stationery and event graphics
