Visual Essay on the Courage it takes for a person that suffers from depression to face the world each day. Those that don't suffer from an anxiety disorder, don't get it. Millions of people suffer from depression or other mental and anxiety illnesses and the norm for American culture is to shun these people.
The idea came in part from the section on propaganda in the text. While not technically propaganda, this piece was created from the core function of propaganda but rather than use it to smear a social movement or political agenda, I aim to use it to create awareness and educate people on what it is really like. Many creative types of people are commonly referred to as "tortured souls" and I believe that this encapsulates that meaning not only for myself but for millions of others out there.

This visual essay was done in accordance of the Professional Communication graduate program at Clemson University for Visual Communication 8530.
Video 2_Courage


Video 2_Courage

Visual Essay on the Courage it takes for a person that suffers from depression to face the world each day. Those that don't suffer from an anxiet 閱讀更多
