Case Study - RIM/BlackBerry

The mobile phone industry is cutthroat and as the agents for the BlackBerry range of mobile phones, Research in Motion (RIM) were wanting to both increase the knowledge about the BlackBerry Bold product amongst dealer staff as well as giving them the incentive and information to recommend the product ahead of other mobile phones/plans. In short getting dealers to recommend a blackberry bold phone or plan first.

MergeRight developed a campaign that revolved around the benefit to the sales staff – winning a trip to Hawaii as well as shopping vouchers to Myer dependant on the number of sales they made over a 3 month period. The campaign was underpinned with striking ambient in all staff restrooms then backed up with informative (about the product) and appealing (about the prizes) brochures, posters and desk cards.

Total of 2,235 sales across the channels in May/June 2009.
The campaign increased the average BlackBerry Bold daily sales rate by 66%), in May & June compared to the previous daily average sales rate (January-February 09). These results exceeded the business case target of 60% uplift.



Blackberry staff promotion


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