ThermalPulse is a safety feature for snow enthusiasts, especially backcountry skiers. 
Backcountry skiing is used to describe skiing on unmarked and unpatrolled area either inside or outside of the ski resort. This contrasts with alpine skiing, which is typically done on groomed and marked trails, with the benefits of controlled snow condition. Recent improvements in equipment have increased the popularity of the sport.
People love backcountry skiing because of the fresh powder, steep vertical drops. However, backcountry skiing can be hazardous due to avalanche, exhaustion, cliff and rocks also tree wells.
According to Avalanche Canada, in 2014, there were 25 fatal avalanches reported in Canada, 15 skiers died and 6 injured.
If a person is caught in an avalanche and buried in the snow, every second is crucial for rescue. After 7 minutes, brain damage can occur; after 15 minutes, 30% are dead, 30 minutes, 90% are dead. After 30 minutes, search and rescue team will not expect to recover the victim alive.
Thermal Pulse

Thermal Pulse

This is an IAT320 wearable electronic project
