Perfil de Robert Brown

Just Be Cool: Main Character Exploration

Going through and redesigning old projects, starting with the game's main character, Joey. He's a 20-something techy with a burning passion for all things nerdastic and mackin' on the ladies (or at least trying to). 
Tomo is short for Tomodachi, the name of a series of retro Japanese portable TV's that were super popular in the 80's, meaning "friend" in english. He's serves as Joey's mechanical backpack and #1 wingman, outfitted with air compression tanks linked up to ports in the palms of his hands for enhanced mobility and offensive countermeasures during combat. He also likes to party.
Just Be Cool: Main Character Exploration

Just Be Cool: Main Character Exploration

Some visual development work for a personal IP. The project is called "Just Be Cool", a third-person shooter/platforming game set in a post-apoca Leer más
