Perfil de Mikey Espinosa

Mikey Espinosa - Bon Bon

This was a piece I did for a cute cafe that sell amazing baguettes, meat, cheeses and pastries in South Kensington, Bute Street. 
I starting off with pencil to line out the figure and her features, eventually using ink to darken the lines.
I was able to use the pencil to aid me when it came to shading tones on the body with watercolour paint.  
I only applied a suggestion of colour onto her body and hair then used photoshop to bring out her skin tone and hair. I also played around with the make up mixing a 1960s style eye shadow with her Veronica Lake peekaboo hairstyle. 
Mikey Espinosa - Bon Bon


Mikey Espinosa - Bon Bon

BonBon and Coco, an illustration I did for a deli in South Kensington Bute Street.
