NEW DIAGONAL in BARCELONA with Isabel Martín                                
"Not many years ago, the city of Barcelona finished just next to our school. Beyond it, far away according to our mental references the land was plenty of villas and surrounding villages ... "
Today the limits of the city of Barcelona are mixed with the limits of the villages around it. In the area where we are working Diagonal Avenue should be acting as a link between Barcelona, Hospitalet de Llobregat and Esplugues ... However it is a wall both longitudinal level as well as transversal. 
For Esplugues de Llobregat Diagonal is a obstacle that completely separates the uptown from the downtown and you can only cross it  by small tunnels that do not allow the town to communicate.
In our project we try to give an answer to the problem of communication due to Diagonal Avenue and it is for that reason that we took the initial decision of bury some parts of the traffic road and to remove the hub. Both decisitions solve the problem of longitudinal communication. In an other level we solve in a deeper way the cross connections in the town of Esplugues de Llobregat.


The New Diagonal Avenue in Barcelona
