Wired Italia - Maps
Creative Director of the magazine: David Moretti
Graphic Design: Daniela Sanziani

A couple of maps I did for the very first issues of Wired Italia
Wired Italia n.1 - March 2009
Wired Italia n.22 - December 2010

The illustrations of the maps below were made by the studios Always With Honor and Lamosca
I made layouts and artistic direction of the artworks.

Wired Italia n.5 - July 2009 - Illustration Always With Honor
Wired Italia n.10 - December 2009 - Illustration Always With Honor
Wired Italia n.12 - February 2010 - Illustration Lamosca
Wired Italia - Maps


Projektin tilaaja

Wired Italia - Maps

Some maps published on first years of Wired Italia. I made graphic design of the first two while made art direction of illustrations for the othe Lue lisää
