Perfil de Michaela Gloeckner

Competitive Scholarship 2014- 2015

Tartaruga, 2014
Watercolor, gouache, digital
Poster meant to bring attention to the turtles in Sao Tome and Principe.
Caribou, 2014
Stuffed animal created to raise awareness about the people of the Arctic Village.
Sad Puppy, 2014
Mom's Recipes- Pie Edition, 2014
Ink, watercolor
Self Portrait, 2014
Colored pencil
Sleep Facts, 2014
Watercolor, ink
Illustrations for a pamphlet about animal's sleeping habits.
Untitled, 2014
Graphite, watercolor, gouache, colored pencil
Competitive Scholarship 2014- 2015
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Competitive Scholarship 2014- 2015

A collection of illustrations selected for the 2014- 2015 competitive scholarship.

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