Henrique Prudêncio 的个人资料

"Baile de Máscaras"/Valete - 2014

The Poster!
Assistant Director, Editor & Executive Producer
This was the first project of Onírico.
The idea came from Igor Regalla, the director, who wanted to make a videoclip with a specific song and launch it on March 27th, the International Day Of Theater. He came to me asking if I wanted to do it and not only I accepted it, I decided it was the perfect launch for Onírico, the studio which was founded by me and Igor.
Igor was fantastic with the casting, with well known national actors working with a very small team that no one had ever heard of.
João Lamoza was the producer and he managed to get all those sets in just under a week, which was a terrific job. 
Ricardo and Vasco did what they do best around the camera, capturing the emotions and improvising with the camera.
And I ordered all of them to do stuff and keep quiet, because that's what an Assistant Director does :D
I loved editing it, trying to find the right balance between a jumpcut and the rythm of the music. The clown part was my favourite because it was shot on one take and I really liked the liberty I had being able to select the different moments and reactions of the clowns face.
The reception was fantastic, with 50.000 views and counting, this is the largest project that I have been a part of. 
Video Still used for facebook promotion
Igor and Ricardo planinng out things on set
Me on one of my breaks of ordering people around.
Priest - Rodrigo Saraiva
Women - Custódia Gallego 
Architect - Renato Godinho
Clown - Teresa Côrte-Real
Special Guest Star
Carlos Avilez
Director - Igor Regalla
Production - João Lamoza
Director of Photography - Ricardo Vargues
Executive Producer, Assistent Director, Editing - Henrique Prudêncio
Camera Assistant  - Vasco Raposo
Art Direction - Joana Garnel
Props - Fernando Alvarez
Marketing, Graphic Design - Laura Nóbrega
"Baile de Máscaras"/Valete - 2014