Welcome Erik Brandt
À l'occasion de la venue prochaine du projet "Ficciones Typographika" à Cambrai, Erik Brandt nous gratifiait de sa venue sur Skype lors d'une session au Garage Café. Ouverte au public, il fut question de l'espace public, de la position citoyenne du designer graphique, de la place de l'auto censure, des réponses, hypothèses, possibles à apporter par l'art au regard des tragiques événements qui nous ont endeuillés.
On the occasion of the imminent arrival of the "Ficciones Typografika" in Cambrai, Erik Brandt bestowed us with his arrival on Skype during a session at the Garage Café. Open to the public, it was a question of public space, citizen position of graphic designer, the place of self-confidence, answers, assumptions, possible to bring the art in view of the tragic events that we bereaved.
Welcome Erik Brandt !
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Welcome Erik Brandt !

Communication about the talk with Erik Brandt about Ficciones Typographika, graphic design and public space, recent event in France.

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