The logo

The association ORC-croatia hired me to make them a logo and a web page.
It had to be a simple, typographic solution but to remind somehow on ORC premier boats.

ORC boats are like normal sailing boats, but are all racing orientated with carbon made sails and go a lot faster then normal boats do. One of the things that you can notice is that most of the ORC boats have their spinnaker placed not on the top of the mast but a meter or more lower from the top.
This was what i tried to make visible in a logo, people not involved in sailing will see only a spinnaker, but people involved in sailing will know that contour of the spinnaker and the top of the mainsail are a part of a ORC boat.

web logo
The website

They wanted the page to be "dark" and "futuristic" but sailing oriented. So my friend took some photos for me, i wanted him to take photos of dark patterns made by carbon strips of which the sails are made, I made a segment of that photo my background. The rest of the page is really simple, sans-serif fonts, all inverted with black and dark gray backgrounds and white letters. The header picture is changing every 5-10 seconds, there are three columns, one for sponsors and links, one for news and on for current results and payed adverts.
The video
I also made a intro video that will go before the interviews and other video on the orc-croatia youtube channel.
Check the web!


Logo and website for ORC-croatia.
