A MEDes Chronicle

A MEDes Chronicle

This illustration is a visual Table of Content, conceived to help people to read the “MEDes Chronicle", a collection of stories about and from the MEDes* people.

It was designed during "The MEDes Project”, done at Köln International School of Design in 2014, where a group of 6 MEDes students did a research on this exchange programme, interviewing students, alumni and professors.

* The MEDes (Master of European Design) is a unique network of seven European design schools. During the five year programme, students are allowed to study into three different design education systems and join a strong international community.

Special thanks to:

Eloise Smith-Foster
Santiago Taberna
Ole Thomas Tørresen

A MEDes Chronicle

A MEDes Chronicle

A visual Table of Content, conceived to help people to read the “MEDes Chronicle", a collection of stories about and from the MEDes people.
