Irina Ghiuzan sin profil

Reciprocal Observatory

Reciprocal Observatory is a dome-like structure which is open to the elements, relying only on the density of the structural members to offer a gentle screening from the sun, casting playful, intricate shadows on the ground during the day and framing the starry sky at night. 
By openly displaying its structure, Reciprocal Observatory intends to make burners reflect on the role each individual plays at the festival and in the wider context of our society. Moreover, the recursive geometry of the cladding system creates links with the outside world and the cosmos by projecting outwards and framing views of the sky while mirroring the universe as we know it.
Thus, Reciprocal Observatory wants to be a place of reflection and meditation over an idealised model of our society as it develops in time and a space of exploration and discovery of the natural beauties that surround us.

The construction is made out of timber beams the length and thickness of which decreases as the number of iterations increases. The main frame would be cut in shape through the process of milling while the cladding system can be achieved through laser cutting. The beams would be transported to site and assembled at the designated location on the playa. Assembly is done by simply interlocking the members together, without the need of additional fastening systems.

Anchoring to the ground will be made with a base ring which will be pinned to the playa with Hurricane ground anchors. Rebar stakes will be used to anchor the structure to the timber ring which will be covered with sand.
Reciprocal Observatory

Reciprocal Observatory

Temporary pavillion for the Burning Man festival


Kreative områder