Althoff Jahr –
Campaign for the city of Dinslaken
The Althoff-Jahr, an initiative of the city of Dinslaken, honours Friedrich Althoff, a Prussian politician and one of the city’s most renowned sons​​​​​​​.
Since 2013, we have been supporting the city of Dinslaken in the conception, design and implementation of the project "Althoff Year 2014". Together with the city management and the interdisciplinary organization team, we developed the communication strategy, initiated project modules and took over the design support of the Althoff Year, which aims to bring the Prussian cultural politician Friedrich Althoff back into the public eye.
In addition to the entire corporate identity, we designed, among other things, the Internet presence, communication media such as flyers, etc., a teasing campaign, the product design for merchandising articles as well as a mobile museum in a container – the Althoff Box. For the project we took our friends from
Bande – Für Gestaltung! on board.
Location: Dinslaken, Germany
Client: City of Dinslaken
See more on our website or facebook-page!
Althoff-Jahr CI

Althoff-Jahr CI

CORPORATE IDENTITY | PRINT | WEB Seit 2013 begleiten wir die Stadt Dinslaken bei der Konzeption, Gestaltung und Umsetzung des Projekts "Althoff- Развернуть
