interaction / photography / story and character development / branding
WRITNSTONE is a project based on a fictional protagonist from the future named, Pru. She has traveled back in time from the year 2221 to collect information on human social characteristics of our time. By documenting her findings on the Internet for future generations to find, they are in a sense, written in stone. The project consisted of creating Pru, her background, her distinct look, and an interactive way to tell her story.
A part of the WRITNSTONE project is a blog that will be a documentary project for Pru where she will post about Earth humans. What is special about these posts is that they will be diptychs of analog photographs and a handwritten notes from the people she meets. After posting these onto her blog, she will return the handwritten note and the photograph to her new acquaintance. As humans, we have the beautiful ability to communicate with others through so many levels of interaction and languages. We have to ability to read and write. We can tell how one feels just by observing their body language. Last but certaintly not least, the best stories are the ones told by a stranger. Pru is here to discover which is lost in the future where social interaction has become estranged.


WRITNSTONE is a project based on a fictional protagonist from the future named Pru.
