We want to create frictionless brainstorming processes as well as save time for our users.
These are your current projects.
Project brainstorming overviews.
Add users to your brainstorm 
and message them.
Add post-its with options for changing the brainstorm strategy (i.e Lotus Flower)
When you’re finished with your session Comet clusters your ideas based on subject, method and
votes. The voting is in the end of every session and is a very simple system. Each user gets a set
of votes and a personal color. You click your favorite ideas and the ones with the most votes will
be clustered in the top of the session hub. Comet stores your sessions and ideas in a team hub.
Creating a simple overview over projects. You can go back anytime and find the ideas, or
continue your brainstorm with new method


Comet is a service for the creative industry. We are the last brainstorming tool for creative professionals. Providing the methods to make you an Read More
