Rafael Sousa sin profil

Digital Illustration

Digital painting representing the characters from the game Journey. (2013)
Digital painting depicting Link, a character from the game The Legend of Zelda. (2013)
Character illustration of Cyclops, from Marvel Comics. (2014)
Art for the monster movie character Godzilla. (2015)
Losing colors - an experiment with the digital painting tools. (2012)
The Little Red Huntress - A different take on the famous fairy tale, using the digital tools to emulate the painting aspect. (2014)
Digital painting based on the game Shadow of the Colossus. (2014)
Vector illustration using a retro design on the game Shadow of the Colossus for the Playstation 2. (2012)
Digital Illustration

Digital Illustration

A group of different works using digital tools, mostly based on characters from games, books, or movies.
