Valeriya Kozhynovas profil

Tech Observer Magazine Cover - Inventive

This was another cover idea I did for the 2015 edition of the Technology Observer magazine, made by the students of the Albert Dorman Honors College at NJIT. I did this cover during my last semester at NJIT as the co-design editor of the magazine.  
The following project contains the initial sketches of the idea, followed by a more refined sketch, followed by different versions of the cover with slight variations, such as different background tints, the NJIT logo, and a varying coffee stain. 
The idea behind this cover was to follow the robotics and inventions theme. The cover was hand-drawn in Photoshop, making it more personal and lot more fresh, I feel, than the other magazine covers. The style was mimicking the engineering "mechanical drawings", and were heavily influenced by DaVinci's invention sketches. The main idea behind the lettering of the title itself was influenced in part by the art syle of the game
Tech Observer Magazine Cover - Inventive

Tech Observer Magazine Cover - Inventive

A proposed cover design for the Technology Observer magazine, managed by the Albert Dorman Honors College at NJIT. I designed the cover proposal Læs mere
