Victor Tian 的个人资料

Backplane Feed Redesign

Meet the New Backplane Feed page
We learn as we design. This time instead of building around navigation, we took a step back to give what people told us they want—content—and made it all about the feed. The new feed page is much easier to navigate than before as we removed our confusing interface as much as possible. This lead us to a big branded space—the community cover—and a separate feed stream where the posts can be shown in their entirety.
Coming Back
As you continualy load the home page you stop paying attention to the cover, as it transforms from a wow-element into a hindrance, a visual gap that gets in the way of reaching your content. So we want to allow the retrurning visitors to go directly to what they hold dear—The Hot feed.
Menus, Menus, Neat and Tidy
All those menus and tabs from before were confusing. So we did some house cleaning this time around. Hope you'll like it.
Oh, and what about that nice side card?
We think it is important to persist the right navigation header as it actually will give you more than just data, but that's a story for another time. So, stay tuned for round 2—community customization and management.
Thanks for scrolling to here. Give us a thumbs up if you like what we're doing, we appreciate that.
Backplane Feed Redesign


Backplane Feed Redesign

This is the next iteration of our social network platform where everyone can have their personal social network. For more info visit us at 阅读更多内容
