Lee Hung's profile

Presence of Absence

An installation project : Presence of Absence

The idea was to create a scene to evoke feelings and emotions from the audience. As the empty scene unfolds a mystery, it allows the audiences to play with their imagination. A very personal experience engaging audiences to reflect on life, through the kinds of journeys, memories, experiences and relations they can draw from this setting.
The silent thoughts echoed in this confined space, as the slow music and scent of the burning incense filled the room. The audience quietly scanned the room for clues and details, trying to form stories in their minds.
"What exactly happened here on the 23rd of September 1959?"
The installation depicts the remains of a tragic scene. ​​​​​​​
The purpose of my project was to talk about how objects can relate to us so very deeply, be it personally or just an object from memory. The things we learn and relate in life, affects the way we view our lives and surrounding. How object placements can create a whole new story. A story that was left behind. A scene that in one's memory may live forever. How a still object can tell so much by simply exsisting and remaining.

Audiences were invited to each give their own interpretation of what they imagined had happened in the scene. What links them to memories or interpretations they have. Interacting with the audience on a very personal level. 
An installation display which took place at Substation.

"What is the take away?"

Life is precious. Time could stand still as your memories replay back.
What matters are the little things that may seem insignificant in everyday life.
What is not cherished will be lost if you do not live and appreciate every second of your life
or simply appreciate the ones around you. Memories are inevitable. We can never run from it.
Memories are reflections of our past events that leaves us hopelessly attached with strong emotions.

"What do you want to leave behind?"

A legacy. A life well lived. A kind soul.
Let them echo in memories of the ones who will remember you.
Essentially the life of one being, is the essence of one's soul.
Invitation posters designed in the actual dates of the installation event that took place on the 7th and 8th of May 2015.
General Manager of The Substation, Ms. Emily Hoe, taking part in creating a narrative for the installation.
Presence of Absence

Presence of Absence

" What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others." An installation piece done for Read More
