Bot_anic results from the creation of a plant-machine hybrid based on the crossing of natural and artificial organisms in the field of art. 
      A small golden pothos vine (Epipremnum pinnatum) is monitored regarding the conductivity (galvanic response) of two of its leaves, which function as organic sensors to guide a small robot. The eletrophysiological variations in the leaves are amplified and sent to a micro-controller (Arduino), which analyzes the data and activates different states of the machine. There are basically two states: rest and plant-observer interaction. When at rest, the hybrid has one of its states activated, in which a light sensor analyzes the ambient lighting conditions and sends the data to the system so that the robot can conduct the plant to the strongest light source. On approaching the light, the system enters rest. The second state, which derives from the interactions with the observer, makes the robot leave its rest state and move toward the observer. This happens when the observer exhales near one of the leaves. The act of exhaling causes electrophysiological variations on the surface of the monitored leaf and a difference in eletrical potential occurs in the system. From these data, a micro-controller calculates the values and activates the robot's motors to move the small plant in the direction of the observer. If the interaction stops, the system returns to its resting state, waiting for light, after returning the hybrid to its original position.
Instalation Scheme Ilustration by Guto Nóbrega
Machinarium Exposition Poster
      The project was exposed during the exhibit Machinarium that occured in July of 2013, based on Oi Futuro of Ipanema, bringing various artists and researchers of the field. The robot is frequently applied in perfomatic experiments on the Hiperorganicos OpenLab that happens every year on the Federal University Of Rio de Janeiro.
Photos by Steve Miller
Project Team:
Guto Nóbrega - Concept and Mechatronics
Marlus Araujo - Interaction Design & Programming
Eduardo Lechner - Programming
Hend Karime - Extructure and Plants


Bot_anic results from the creation of a plant-machine hybrid based on the crossing of natural and artificial organisms in the field of art.
