Final Fight
This project was supposed to be a crowd duplication project, but we decided to have some fun with it. I know that the Star Wars Theme is very cliché, but it was fun to mess around with the idea. This project was all done by Alba Gomez and Patrick T Munoz (me)
Here is Alba acting out one of the crowd members.
We would flip the key blanket when we needed to use the green and blue screen respectively.
This was the original plate. I rotoscoped us out and composited the entire scene together. As you can see, we used water bottles as our lightsabers. 
This is the matte painting I created and used for the fight scene.
These other people in the "Choose your Player" page were the other students in our class.
 These are the life bars and text we used for the fight scene.
Final Fight

Final Fight

This was supposed to be a simple crowd duplication project, but we decided to have some fun with the cliché Star Wars theme.
