Fictional book jacket design
New Beginnings is a romance novel that is about a teenage girl who falls in love with a cowboy while visiting her grandmother for the summer. I designed the book to be geared towards young adults. I used photography as my dominant feature and soft, natural colors throughout the jacket, which I pulled from the photo, to add emphasis to the design as well as add a classy feel to the overall layout.
Size: Flat – 21 x 9 in.
         Folded – 6.5 x 9 in.
Autobiography book jacket design
Captured is the story of a teenage girl whose life is forever changed by the traumatic life event that took place, that later inspired her passion for photography. I designed the book to be geared towards young adults. I included a dominant image on a lightly textured background that would provide high contrast and interest. I used a clear, legible font that would be easily understood. 
Size: Flat – 21 x 9 in.
         Folded – 6.5 x 9 in.
Book Jackets

Book Jackets

This was a project for my senior graphic design class. I had to design two book jackets. One for a hardcover autobiography book and the other as 阅读更多内容
