Michael Wood 的个人资料

Hanging Gardens Of Babylon ( Visual Studies)

Character Initial Concept Drawings
This character is the initial sketches for a guard that I created to go in the gardens. The Guard is a low profile character who is not as well payed and as well known as the generals or captains. I tried to Interperate this into the drawing by him not having armour and just having basic supplies.
This is my design for a boat person, this character docks all af the boats that enter the gardens.
This is my design for a royal advisor inside the gardens.
Character Digital Drawings
These are the digital versions of the characters that I have created.
Final Scene
This is my created scene for the Hanging #gardens with my characters in, in the scene the guard is threatening the advisor because he is unaware of who he is and why he wants to see the king, The boat person is stood in the back in a usual stance because he would be used to this kind of thing happening.
Hanging Gardens Of Babylon ( Visual Studies)

Hanging Gardens Of Babylon ( Visual Studies)

This is a project where we had to create characters that would possibly be in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The project was to create 3 charact 阅读更多内容
