Profil appartenant à Fabrizia Posada

Bjork – a retrospective

This project was developed for a class I took at Parsons called Promotion Design. The proposal was to create the promotional material for an exhibition at MoMA about Bjork. We had several demands such as billboard, poster, bus shelter, subway car takeover, stencils, stickers and more.
Since I didn't know much about the artist, I had to do a lot of research. I have to say that by the end of the project I had become a fan. Bjork's much more than a singer - she's a complete artist. 

Bjork's had a lot of phases and is a very plural artist. Based on that, I decided to use collages as a visual inspiration, and the elements vary - Bjork's costumes, things that appeared on her videoclips, things she said on interviews, her country (Iceland), etc. I also got inspired by neon colors and holographic effects.

O B R I G A D A !
Bjork – a retrospective
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Bjork – a retrospective

Promotional material created for a fictional Bjork exhibition at MoMA.

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