Profil użytkownika „Liron Tocker”

Three Sixty Vodka Website

Website for Three Sixty, a premium diamond-filtrated german vodka brand.

Design challenge was to create a website based on the brand's new "Diamonds" campaign, emphasizing the company's unique diamond filtration process. The website was designed in such a manner which would scale well on portable devices, such as the iPad and other tablets. Design was created as a part of the Scholz & Friends Digital Team.

Project Team:
Creative Director: Marc-Philip Kittel
Technical Lead: Andreas Maser
Art Director: Liron Tocker 
Art Intern: Raphael Krönke
Concept Design: Elias Götze 
Developer: Aleksandr Lossenko
Copywriter: Marc-Philip Kittel
Project Management: Jessica Modschiedler
Imaging: Metagate

Three Sixty Vodka Website

Three Sixty Vodka Website

Website for Three Sixty, a premium diamond-filtrated german vodka brand. Design challenge was to create a website based on the brand's new "Diam Rozwiń


