Launched quiz application through email and social to engage and motivate fans, and generate new leads. The quiz has been taken over 34,000 times, generating 1,300 leads and 900 registrations. 
Collaborated with GU Energy Labs to create a campaign allowing fans  to sample, select and vote for the official GU flavor of the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series.
Launched customer loyalty program for TourPass, increasing sales by 230% totalling 1.6 million in revenue in 2014
Ultimate Fan Contest
Created campaign asking fans to select the date the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series would reach 100K fans. Contest generated 12,500 new leads and grew our Facebook audience by 8,000 fans in just a little over a week through promoted posts.
Used social channels, blog ambassadors and email to promote the #MyRnRTour Chat with celebrity athlete Meb Keflezighi. 
We reached close to 1.1M accounts, received nearly 14M impressions, and 1500 tweets using the hashttag #MyRnRTour. The hashtag was trending on Twitter within 30 minutes of starting the chat and continued to be trending until about 4:30PM PST (nearly 2.5 hours after the chat ended).
Monthly Save $15 promotion on Facebook responsible for  generating 35% of the total registrations. 
Grew the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series brand page from 30K in 2013 fans to over 125K in 2015. 
Social Media

Social Media

Content that motivates, inspires and engages the running community.
