'Life Palette' is a project I created that is presented in the form of a book. It's an infographic that maps how much each colour is presented in our life. I did this by creating a digital colour fingerprint through Processing. My main goal was to create something personal, since all the people here are directly connected to me or someone who is. The idea of 'individuality' is present within the whole project.
On the right you can see the infographic, while on the left there's some calligraphic work I did for each person. Below there's a brief phrase that contains some sort of note about that person.
Afterwards, I used all the images to see how the group life palette would look like. You can see the result above.
You can find much more information about this project at cargocollective.com/joanamatos/life-palette. Thanks for viewing and spending some time with my project!
Life Palette
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